Azeri parliamentarians participated in OSCE PA winter session


Azerbaijani parliamentarians participated in the OSCE PA winter session in Austrian capital Vienna, on February 24-25.
The debates focused on immigration, integration and multi-ethnic dialogue in the OSCE, situation in Belarus, Middle East, Egypt and Tunisia.
Mr. Chris Smith (United States), the OSCE PA Special Representative on Human Trafficking Issues informed about tasks to combat human trafficking in OSCE space.
Azeri MP Eldar Ibrahimov told of works done in Azerbaijan to combat human trafficking. He said President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has signed an executive order on "National Action Plan (2009-2013) to combat human trafficking in Azerbaijan Republic as well as Milli Majlis passed a law on fighting human trafficking.
Roland Blum, the committee chairman hailed the reforms being implemented in Azerbaijan in this field.
Azerbaijani delegation attended the meetings of the committees on democracy, human rights and humanitarian issues; policy and security; economy, science, technology and environment.




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