Stratfor chief: United States must be more active in resolution of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

The soonest solution of Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh is important for the future of the region. The US must not forget Azerbaijan's influence and importance in the region and must be more active in the settlement of the dispute, said visiting CEO of the Stratfor Global Intelligence Center George Friedman who was interviewed by journalists.
Touching upon agreement signed on export of Azerbaijan's gas to Turkey, Friedman said the agreement will create "stable" base for energy relations in the region and "will mark a new era in development of US-Azerbaijan ties".
"This agreement is important for not only Azerbaijan and Turkey, but also for other countries," he added.
Commenting on the US-Azerbaijan relations, Friedman said "somebody tries to cast shadow on relations between the two countries. But these relations have always been at a high level. The change of processes in the region deepens US` interest in Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan is one of the main countries playing a significant role in the world's energy security".



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