President: The acts of terror committed under religious slogans in Ganja is the greatest crime against Islam

“The terrorist gang responsible for these crimes wants to undermine stability in Azerbaijan. This is the main objective behind these crimes. These bloody acts of terror were perpetrated to create tension and spread fear in society. The terrorist acts were committed under religious slogans. This in itself is the greatest crime against Islam because Islam is the religion of peace and mercy,” said President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev as he addressed a meeting of heads of the country`s law enforcement bodies.

“The Azerbaijani state and the Azerbaijani people always protect their national and religious values. Azerbaijan is one of the countries promoting Islamic culture in the world. As you know, last year was declared a "Year of Islamic Solidarity" in Azerbaijan. The Games of Islamic Solidarity were held in Azerbaijan. This year, Nakhchivan is the capital of Islamic culture. A few years ago, this honorary title was awarded to the city of Baku. The Organization of Islamic Cooperation, which unites Muslim countries, gives the highest assessment to the work Azerbaijan is doing in the field of religion. Thanks to the support of the Azerbaijani state, our historical and religious monuments have been completely restored and reconstructed. New mosques have been built. I want to say again that those trying to link this crime with our religion have committed the most serious crime against it,” the Azerbaijani President said.

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