Independence Day of Belarus marked in Baku

The Embassy of Belarus in Azerbaijan held an official reception on the occasion of Independence Day.

After the national anthems of both countries were performed, Ambassador of Belarus Gennady Akhramovich highlighted the history of his country`s Independence.

On Azerbaijani-Belarus ties the ambassador said his country attached great importance to the relationship with Azerbaijan.

Deputy Prime Minister of Azerbaijan Yagub Eyyubov congratulated the Belarus nation on behalf of the Government of Azerbaijan. The Deputy Prime Minister applauded political dialogue between the two countries. Mr. Eyyubov said bilateral trust, respect, mutual understanding security, fraternity lie at the heart of ties between the two countries. The Deputy Prime Minister stressed the role of President Ilham Aliyev and President Alexander Lukashenko in developing the bilateral ties between Azerbaijan and Belarus. Governmental officials, MPs, ambassadors of foreign countries in Baku, representatives of the international organizations and public figures attended the ceremony.

It is Belarus' main national holiday, which was formalized by Belarus President's executive order in 1996. Independence Day celebration is a tribute to the heroism and endurance of Minskers, selfless struggle of the Minsk underground fighters, an unparalleled labor feat of those who raised the country from the ruins, built houses, schools and restored the enterprises.

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