U.S. Defense Secretary hails Azerbaijan visit

Defense Secretary of the United States Robert M. Gates praised his visit to Azerbaijan, according to the official website of the Department of Defense.
Calling Azerbaijan an important partner in the coalition`s efforts in Afghanistan, Robert M. Gates said he discussed a stronger military relationship between Azerbaijan and the United States in the meetings with two of the country`s leaders.
"I would say it was a very positive visit, and I think it set the stage for further expansion of the relationship. We will have a bilateral defense consultation next month, where I think a lot of the things that we discussed will be put on the table and perhaps fleshed out," he said
The secretary delivered a letter to President Ilham Aliyev from President Barack Obama that expresses gratitude for Azerbaijan`s contributions in Afghanistan, saying such assistance has "strengthened your country`s stature as a steadfast security partner." The letter also conveys Obama`s desire for a broader and deeper future relationship between the two countries.
During his talks in Baku, Gates said, he discussed with President Ilham Aliyev and Defense Minister Safar Abiyev the strengthening of bilateral military relationship and other issues.
Gates said concern was expressed during the meetings about a lack of progress in the Nagorno-Karabakh region, adding he promised to relay the message to Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. President Barack Obama also mentioned the dispute in his letter to President Ilham Aliyev, saying a peaceful resolution is critical to the South Caucasus region and promising support for such an outcome would remain a U.S. priority.



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