City council member: Azerbaijan-Israel ties to further flourish

The Azerbaijan-Israel relations will further flourish, Aviran Mishiev, member of the city council of the Israeli city of Tirat Carmel, who was born and brought up in Baku, said in an interview with STMEGI, news website of Mountain Jews.

"I think that our countries have warm and friendly relations,” he said. “The most important thing is that our peoples have such relations because the peoples can prolong these relations and further intensify them. I am proud of my roots. I wish and I am sure that these relations will further flourish. We have the same values, namely, publicity, democracy, multiculturalism, tolerance. We can further bring relations closer both between our countries and peoples on the basis of these values."

Speaking about the awareness of the residents of Tirat Karmel city about Azerbaijan and the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Mishiev stressed that those who arrived from Azerbaijan are well informed about the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and sincerely want the soonest liberation of all the occupied lands of Azerbaijan.

"The local population understands well the whole tragedy of this conflict thanks to our efforts," he added. “Together with AzIz Israel-Azerbaijan international association, we hold various events. For example, we have recently held an event dedicated to the tragedy in Azerbaijan’s Khojaly city, where 613 elderly people, women and children were brutally murdered."

Mishiev also stressed that those who arrived from Azerbaijan tell the local population about the country, while Israel understands that there is another resort country that can compete with European countries.

"Local people are gradually showing interest in Azerbaijan, they are booking sightseeing tours,” he added. “Baku is a city of the future and it is fairly called "European Dubai". The Azerbaijani authorities consist of talented and far-sighted politicians who are turning Baku into a city of the future.”

Masaim Abdullayev,

“Khalq qazeti”

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