Indonesian journalists informed of Azerbaijan`s realities

The Azerbaijani President`s Assistant for Public and Political Affairs Ali Hasanov has met with journalists from Indonesia who are visiting Azerbaijan on the invitation of the Association of Journalists of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). Ali Hasanov informed the journalists from Indonesia about Azerbaijan`s realities.

The Presidential Assistance spoke of the causes and consequences of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Armenians’ genocide against Azerbaijani people.

Ali Hasanov highlighted the history, culture and traditions of Azerbaijan, the spread of Islam in this region. He also spoke of the establishment and activities of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, its milestone achievements, and Azerbaijan’s later history as part of the USSR which spanned 70 years.

Ali Hasanov also drew the Indonesian journalists` attention to Azerbaijan`s route to success after the country restored its independence in 1991, and the founding of the modern Azerbaijani state by national leader Heydar Aliyev.

Ali Hasanov then responded to questions from the journalists.

The Indonesian journalists hailed multiculturalism and tolerance in Azerbaijan, Baku’s beauty, and overall development processes in the country.


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