Lithuania, Azerbaijan discuss interparliamentary ties

Visiting Speaker of the Litnuania`s Seimas Irena Degutiene visited the Milli Majlis of Azerbaijan Tuesday where she met Chairman of the Azerbaijan`s Parliament in private and later in presence of both countries` parliamentary delegations.
Asadov said the Lithuanian Speaker`s current visit would contribute to development of relations between the two countries in all fields. He noted there are ample opportunities for expansion of Lithuania-Azerbaijan cooperation. Asadov pointed out the business forum would give an impetus to trade turnover between the two countries.
The Speaker of the Azerbaijan`s Parliament briefed his Lithuanian counterpart on the sorest point for Azerbaijan - Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, expressing hope Lithuania`s OSCE chairmanship would make serious efforts to solve the problem.
"I believe international community would step up efforts to find a solution of the problem on the basis of international legal norms," he said.
Irena Degutiene said Azerbaijan is one of the major countries Lithuania has built economic and trade ties since 2008. She noted her country places emphasis on cooperation with Azerbaijan in all fields, in particular, the energy security one and that within the framework of the EU`s Eastern Partnership Program.
She said Lithuania supports Azerbaijan`s territorial integrity, adding draft resolution on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict being currently prepared has been put onto the agenda of the parliament`s spring session. The Seimas will discuss the draft resolution in March.



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