Four organizations apply to CEC to hold exit-polls during presidential elections

Four organizations have submitted their documents to the Central Election Commission (CEC) to conduct exit-polls during the forthcoming 11 April presidential election in Azerbaijan.

According to the CEC, ELS-Independent Research Center, "Rey" Monitoring Center, US-based Arthur J. Finkelstein & Associates in partnership with the Citizens' Labor Rights Protection League, and Independent consultancy and assistance center “For the Sake of Civil Society” (FSCS) together with the French Research Company Opinionway applied to hold exit-polls.

Under to the regulations, organizations planning to hold an exit-poll must submit the required documents to the Central Election Commission at least 20 days prior to the election. This covers the time period up to March 22, due to the 11 April presidential elections.

At least 10 days prior to the election—that is, by 1 April—the Central Election Commission will have made a decision with regard to the accreditation.


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