CEC Chairman meets head of EU delegation to Azerbaijan

Chairman of Azerbaijan's Central Election Commission (CEC) Mazahir Panahov met with Head of the EU Delegation to Azerbaijan Kestutis Jankauskas.

CEC Chairman spoke about the cooperation of the CEC with authoritative international organizations and stressed that close relations were established with the EU during the elections held in previous years, and various projects were implemented within relations.

Head of the EU Delegation to Azerbaijan Kestutis Jankauskas asked about Azerbaijan's electoral system, the principles of activity of the election commissions and preparation for the presidential election scheduled for April 11.

The CEC chairman spoke about the electoral system, the work on holding free, fair and transparent elections, as well as the planned large-scale projects to ensure the effective implementation of the voting rights of Azerbaijani citizens.

Views on the issues of mutual interest and prospects for cooperation between organizations were exchanged during the meeting.


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