Chief of Azerbaijan`s Presidential Administration meets head of Russian Presidential Administration

On January 22nd chief of the Presidential Administration of Azerbaijan Ramiz Mehdiyev met head of Russian Presidential Administration Sergey Narishkin.
They discussed relations between relevant structures of Azerbaijan and Russia over the period since the Humanitarian Forum held in January last year in Baku at the initiative of presidents Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan and Dmitry Medvedev of Russia.
They also exchanged views on some organizational issues and details of their implementation in accordance with the initiative of the two countries` presidents on holding the Forum regularly as a Baku International Humanitarian Forum from this year.
During the discussions, the composition of a working group on preparation for the Forum to be held with the participation of influential representatives from science, education, culture, art, public and political spheres of not only Russia and Azerbaijan, but also foreign countries, was ascertained. They also underlined the necessity of registration of the event in international organizations taking into consideration its importance and essence. They also said both countries attach great importance to the Forum. It was pointed out Azerbaijan had good experience on hosting similar leading international events.
The sides also underscored the possibility of organization of the International Forum in regions of Azerbaijan along with Baku.
During the meeting, other actual issues of bilateral relations between Azerbaijan and Russia were also focused.



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