Report of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan

As part of his visit to Azerbaijan on January 13 this year, President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso held a joint press conference with President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev. While speaking about the Armenia - Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict, along with other issues, Jose Manuel Barroso said that he supports the territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Barroso said: "Let me also stress that European Union of course supports the principle of territorial integrity of its partners including Azerbaijan. We are fully backing the efforts of the OSCE Minks Group and... we stand right to provide further support if agreed by all parties".
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expresses deep concern over the fact that European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso`s speech that he made before foreign and local media was not fully posted on the official website of the European Commission, and the part of his speech regarding the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan was removed and replaced with other opinions.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs says that such a case, causing regret and surprise, can call into serious question the relations, mutual confidence and cooperation with the European Union.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs once more recalls that the Republic of Azerbaijan joined the United Nations, OSCE and other international organizations within borders that existed during the USSR era, and the country`s territorial integrity and sovereignty is recognized by all the countries of the world (excluding the Republic of Armenia).
The corrections made to the speech of Jose Manuel Barroso on the official website of the European Commission are assessed as a step which can negatively affect the image of the European Union, at the same time contradict the spirit of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement signed between the European Union and the Republic of Azerbaijan in 1999.{nl}



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