Spokesperson Hikmat Hajiyev: "We do regret that host of show on CNN made himself a propaganda tool to justify and disguise occupation of Azerbaijan's lands by Armenia"

We do regret that host of the show on CNN, American chef Anthony Bourdain has made himself a propaganda tool to justify and disguise occupation of Azerbaijan's lands by Armenia, Hikmat Hajiyev, spokesman for the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry, said in his interview to Buzzfeed news.

"The host of the show on CNN has been added to the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry's list of undesirable persons. We confirm that for violation of territorial integrity and sovereignty, as well as laws of Azerbaijan, Mr. Bourdain has been blacklisted," he added. "Making a culinary show from seized lands is utter disrespect to one million Azerbaijani refugees and internally displaced peoples who were forcefully displaced."


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