‘German Federal Government recognizes neither regime in Nagorno Karabakh, nor so-called parliamentary elections it held'

The left faction in the German Bundestag has addressed an interpellation to the Federal Government to inquire about its stance towards the "parliamentary elections" held on May 23 in Azerbaijan`s territories occupied by Armenia.
The official answer by German Deputy Foreign Minister Werner Hoyer to the interpellation says that the German Federal Government does not recognize the existing regime in the Nagorno-Karabakh region, as well as "elections" held by it.
It also says the Federal Government will not establish contacts with the regime in the Nagorno-Karabakh and the "parliament" in the region.
On May 14, the German Bundestag adopted a resolution on strengthening security, stability and democracy in South Caucasus. By adopting the document, the Bundestag recognizes the territorial integrity of all three South Caucasus countries and supports settlement of conflicts in the region on the basis of the countries` territorial integrity and sovereignty.
In the resolution, the Bundestag called on the German government to mobilize its efforts for implementation of resolutions adopted by United Nations on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and OSCE`s relevant documents.
The Bundestag also called on the German government to increase its efforts to help refugees and IDPs return to their homelands.



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