Baku Global Young Leaders Forum discusses female and male leadership

The second day of the Baku-hosted Global Young Leaders Forum, organized by Azerbaijan State Committee for Work with the Diaspora and the Nizami Ganjavi International Center, has featured a workshop which discussed the issues relating to female and male leadership.

Addressing the event, former first lady of Ukraine, member of the Nizami Ganjavi International Center Kateryna Yushchenko hailed the influence of women on the ongoing processes around the world, the contributions they make to a number of sectors of the economy, and the significant role they play in the family.

Former President of the Republic of Bulgaria Rosen Plevneliyev emphasized the role of women in politics and society. He pointed out the importance of men and women working together as a team in terms of the management. He underlined that this will yield the best results.

Former Lebanese ambassador to the European Union Farida Allaghi highlighted women's leadership characteristics.

Farida Allaghi hailed the role of the youth, particularly young women in society, praising their contributions to addressing political issues.

"Men, of course, have an important role in the world, they do important things, make decisions, but women should not be forgotten, and women should never be left outside. Today, we must unite our efforts to influence the ongoing processes across the world and to cope with the crisis. Gender equality is of crucial importance to our future," Allaghi said.

Following the speeches, the workshop featured a question and answer session.


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