Ogtay Asadov: Concerted efforts of parliaments of Eurasian countries may bring about solution to regional problems

Chairman of Azerbaijan`s parliament Ogtay Asadov has expressed his confidence that concerted efforts of parliaments of Eurasian countries may bring about solution to regional problems, including the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

“Parliaments have great responsibility for addressing the problems and conflicts we all face,” said Asadov as he addressed the 2nd Meeting of Speakers of Eurasian Countries' Parliaments in Seoul, Republic of Korea.

He called on parliaments to spare no efforts to establish peace and security in Eurasia, including in the South Caucasus.

Asadov drew the audience`s attention to Armenia`s military aggression against Azerbaijan. “Twenty per cent of our territories are under occupation, and more than a million Azerbaijanis live as refugees and IDPs as a result of this conflict.” “For many years Azerbaijan has been urging the international community to establish justice and ensure the implementation of documents and resolutions of international organizations. In this context I would like to reiterate the necessity of ensuring the implementation of four resolutions adopted by the UN Security Council back in 1993, a resolution of the UN General Assembly adopted in 2008, and a resolution adopted by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in 2005, as well as many other resolutions by other international organizations,” said Asadov.

He expressed his confidence that finding a solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and other similar problems and disputes will contribute to ensuring peace, stability, justice and security in Eurasia.

Shahin Jafarov
Special Correspondent

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