Minister Saleumxay Kommasith: Laos is interested in overall development of cooperation with Azerbaijan

Laos is interested in overall development of cooperation with Azerbaijan, said Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People's Democratic Republic of Laos Saleumxay Kommasith as he met Parliament Speaker Ogtay Asadov.

The Speaker said the visit of the FM of Laos will positively influence to development of relations between the two countries. He noted reciprocal visits will play an important role in deepening relations. Mr. Asadov stressed the importance of signing the document between the two countries in terms of strengthening ties.

“We are interested in developing the inter-parliamentary bonds,” he added.

Saleumxay Kommasith highlighted his meetings held in Baku. The FM expressed hope that relations between the two countries in the political, economic, scientific, educational and cultural fields will further develop.


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