Book "Goris-2010: season of theater of the absurd" by academician Ramiz Mehdiyev published in English and Russian in Tbilisi

A book "Goris-2010: season of the theater of the absurd" by Head of the Presidential Administration, member of the National Academy of Sciences, philosopher Ramiz Mehdiyev has recently come out in English and Russian in Tbilisi.
The author chastised in a tough and ironic manner the "historical arguments" the incumbent Armenian President refers to.
According to Mehdiyev, the Armenian President does not see international trends and some statutory acts reaffirming territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh`s belonging to Azerbaijan and the need for Armenia to leave occupied lands so that IDPs could return to their homes.
The book is a timely and worthy respond to failed attempts of ungifted speechwriters of Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan.
It features historical facts, important arguments. It contains ancient and modern map of Azerbaijan, proving the Armenian state was created on the original Azerbaijani lands. The book is of great interest to historians, political scientists, experts in international relations and ordinary readers.



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