FM: Azerbaijan attaches primary importance to promotion of intercultural and interreligious dialogue

“We, in Azerbaijan, attach primary importance to the promotion of intercultural and interreligious dialogue at all levels. Multiculturalism and tolerance is a longstanding tradition in my country that strengthens and consolidates our society,” said Azerbaijani Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmar Mammadyarov as he addressed “Promoting Dialogue and Building Bridges as a Tool to Preventing Violent Extremism” plenary session of the 4th World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue.

“We deem that the cultural diversity and multiculturalism are a strength and wealth that give an ample opportunity to contribute to the promotion of dialogue, encourage ethnic and religious pluralism, and thus to effectively prevent potential rise of violent extremism.” “It is not a coincidence that in Azerbaijan the year 2016 was proclaimed as “The Year of Multiculturalism” by a decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.” The FM said: “The Government of Azerbaijan continues to pursue a consistent policy towards protection of the rights of all ethnic and religious minorities. More than one thousand mosques, eleven churches, six synagogues and other religious temples are functioning in Azerbaijan without any obstacles.”


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