Azerbaijani delegation meets members of Diaspora organizations in Finland

An Azerbaijani delegation led by State Adviser on Multinational, Multicultural and Religious Affairs, Academician Kamal Abdulla has met members of the country`s Diaspora Organizations acting in Finland.

The delegation included Chairman of the State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations Mubariz Gurbanli, Chairman of the Caucasus Muslims Office Sheikh ul-Islam Allahshukur Pashazade, Head of the Community of Azerbaijan's Mountain Jews Milikh Yevdayev, head of Baku European Jews Community Gennadi Zelmanovich, Archbishop of Baku and Azerbaijan eparchy Alexander Ishein, Head of the Catholic community in Azerbaijan Ordinary Vladimir Fekete, Member of the Parliament Javanshir Pashazade and Executive Director of Baku International Multiculturalism Centre Azad Mammadov.

Azerbaijan`s Ambassador to Finland Adish Mammadov stressed the importance of the “Multiculturalism and interreligious tolerance: Azerbaijan`s experience and its importance for Europe” conference held in Helsinki.

Kamal Abdulla spoke about what the Azerbaijani government has been doing to preserve and promote multiculturalism globally. He said that Azerbaijan`s model of multiculturalism is now studied by a number of countries.

On the country`s diaspora policy, Kamal Abdulla said President Ilham Aliyev attaches importance to the activity of the Diaspora. Kamal Abdulla stressed the importance of spreading realities about Azerbaijan in Finland.

Chairman of the State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations Mubariz Gurbanli informed about the State Committee`s activity and said that Azerbaijan has developed an exemplary model of multiculturalism, adding the country pays special attention to preservation and further development of historical and cultural heritage.

Chairman of the Caucasus Muslims Office Sheikhulislam Allahshukur Pashazade highlighted living in peace and stability of representatives of various confessions in the country, adding various peoples of the region have historically enjoyed good-neighborliness, friendship and cooperation based on the robust tolerance traditions, mutual respect and trust.


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