Poland`s Foreign Ministry: "Visit to the occupied territories without consent of Azerbaijan will be estimated as illegal trespassing on state border of the Azerbaijan Republic"

The Foreign Ministry of Poland called on its citizens not to visit the occupied territories of Azerbaijan without consent of the Azerbaijani authorities.
"In accordance with the international law, Nagorno Karabakh is an internal part of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Visit to the occupied territories without consent of the state authorities of Azerbaijan will be estimated as illegal trespassing on the state borders of Azerbaijan", the statement of the Foreign Ministry of Poland, placed at the site of this country`s Embassy, says.
As earlier reported, deputy of the European Parliament, citizen of Poland Tomas Poreba without permission of the Azerbaijani authorities has visited Nagorno Karabakh, the territory of Azerbaijan, occupied by Armenian armed forces. To this end, Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan presented note of protest to the European Union and Poland.



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