Prime Minister Joseph Muscat: Malta is keen to expand cooperation with Azerbaijan

"Malta is keen to expand cooperation with Azerbaijan," said Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat as he met with Azerbaijani FM Elmar Mammadyarov.

PM Joseph Muscat hailed the current state of bilateral relations between the two countries. He expressed his confidence that this visit will contribute to the development of Azerbaijan-Malta relations.

Noting the importance of Azerbaijan's relations with the European Union, Joseph Muscat lauded the fact that EU top officials describe this relationship as a strategic partnership. PM Muscat said that Malta as a country currently presiding over the European Union supports the signing of the Strategic Partnership Agreement between the EU and Azerbaijan and is ready to contribute to the coordination of the document.

Azerbaijani FM Elmar Mammadyarov hailed the dynamic development of bilateral ties between the two countries in recent years, saying high-level reciprocal visits created favorable ground for developing bilateral relations. FM Mammadyarov underlined the positive results in the development of economic and energy cooperation in this regard.

Saying his official visit to Malta coincided with the country's EU presidency, FM Mammadyarov gave detailed information about prospects for development of Azerbaijan-EU relations and the negotiations on a new draft agreement for cooperation.

Pointing out the negotiation process on the settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Elmar Mammadyarov emphasized the importance of EU's commitment to basic principles of states' sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and inviolability of internationally recognized borders in a unified and unambiguous manner in respect of all conflicts.

The two also exchanged views on the development of relations in a variety of fields, including the transnational energy and transport projects and a number of other issues of mutual interest.


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