UNESCO Deputy Director General praises media-related discussions at Baku Forum

UNESCO Deputy Director General Engida Getachew has emphasized the importance of discussions at “Transforming of Journalism for the Information Age and its Role in Ensuring Inter-Civilizational Dialogue” round table organized by AZERTAC as part of the 5th Baku International Humanitarian Forum.

During his meeting with AZERTAC Director General Aslan Aslanov, Mr Getachew said the issues on the agenda of the round table were important and topical. He pointed out the necessity of ensuring objective coverage of global problems and conflicts. Mr Getachew also hailed the fact that the 5th News Agencies World Congress was timed to coincide with the General Assembly of the Organization of Asia-Pacific News Agencies that will take place in Baku in November.

Aslan Aslanov said the Baku International Humanitarian Forum was an important platform in terms of defining development trends of the media. “The geography and scale of the Baku Forum is growing every year. It is a unique place for discussing socio-political issues and addressing global humanitarian challenges. Already compared with Davos Economic Forum, the Baku International Humanitarian Forum has gained recognition in all continents of the world,” Mr Aslanov added.

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