Motome Takisawa: “Japan puts particular emphasis for development of comprehensive cooperation with Azerbaijan”

“Japan puts particular emphasis for the development of comprehensive cooperation with Azerbaijan,” said Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs Motome Takisawa as he met with Azerbaijan`s Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov.

At the meeting the sides expressed their satisfaction with the current status of the cooperation between the two countries and stressed the great potential and political will for further development of relations.

Minister Mammadyarov noted the successful activity of Japanese companies in different areas in the country and provided opportunities for expansion of cooperation.

FM Mammadyarov expressed his hope that Motome Takisawa’s visit will contribute to the development of cooperation between Azerbaijan and Japan.

The sides also exchanged views on the opportunities for strengthening cooperation in various fields of the economy, including oil-gas, high technologies, agriculture, pharmacy, education, tourism and other areas.

The parties mentioned the visa facilitation envisaged for the citizens of Japan at the international airports of the Republic of Azerbaijan with satisfaction. They also stressed the importance of increasing efforts for signing of the agreement on exemption of visa for the persons who hold diplomatic and service passports.

Motome Takisawa hailed Azerbaijan’s support to Japan at the elections within the international organizations.


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