Those who visit occupied Azerbaijani lands will be blacklisted, Foreign Ministry warns


Azerbaijan`s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has warned that any person who illegally visits Azerbaijan`s Armenia-occupied territories will be declared persona non grata.

These people will be immediately blacklisted, said the ministry`s spokesman Hikmat Hajiyev as he commented on news that Armenia is going to arrange an international conference to celebrate the anniversary of the separatist regime in the Nagorno-Karabakh. “Official Yerevan is set to make another provocation by organizing an international conference to mark the 25th anniversary of the separatist regime in the occupied Azerbaijani territory. Armenians plan to organize this conference through the French Center for Political and Foreign Affairs late this month or early September. Official Yerevan has already started sending invitations to former government officials, public figures and MPs of a number of countries. The Armenian side also plans to organize a visit of the conference participants to the occupied Azerbaijani territory under any pretext.” The spokesman said the conference aims to “harm the OSCE Minsk Group-mediated negotiations to solve the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict, undermine efforts to ensure a lasting peace in the region, add tension to situation at this sensitive moment and propagate the separatist regime in the occupied Azerbaijani territory.”

Hajiyev said: “We urge the invited persons to respect international legal norms and principles, not to become tools of the Armenian propaganda machine and to refrain from participating in this provocative conference and visiting the occupied Azerbaijani territories.”

However, the spokesman added, “we are glad that several public and political figures have already refused to attend the conference”.


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