Chairman of Constitutional Court of Azerbaijan attends congress in Indonesia

Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Azerbaijan Farhad Abdullayev has participated in the third congress titled “Advancement and Protection of the Citizen’s Constitutional Rights” in Indonesia.

As part of the visit, chairman Farhad Abdullayev has met his Indonesian counterpart Arif Hidayat. They discussed cooperation between the relevant bodies of both countries.

The aim of the congress is to promote the development of democracy, laws and constitutional rights in Asia through exchange of information and experiences regarding constitutional issues. The congress will strive for deepening cooperation and friendship among constitutional institutions across Asia. Of the associations 16 members, 14 are participating in the congress. The countries are Indonesia, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, the Philippines, Turkey, South Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Russia, Thailand, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Myanmar.

The first congress of the association was held in South Korea in May 2012 while the second was held in Turkey in April 2014.


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