Azerbaijani parliament holds hearings on latest incidents on frontline

Hearings titled “Latest incidents on the frontline: Problems of international humanitarian law” have today been held at the parliament of Azerbaijan.

The event was attended by management of the parliament, MPs, representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Military Prosecutor’s Office, as well as representatives of NGOs.

Deputy chair of the parliament, chairperson of the parliamentary committee on human rights Bahar Muradova said Armenia did not want to quit its non-constructive position in the negotiations process to solve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. “The Armenians are trying to undermine the process and perpetuate the status quo.” She noted that Azerbaijan’s efforts already yield results as international organizations, the international community as well as experts consider the dispute as a serious threat to the region.

“It is high time to solve the conflict. Provocations committed by Armenia on the frontline, criminal activities of the Armenian leadership are obvious for everyone. Azerbaijan ensured the security of people despite all of this. Contradictory internal socio-political processes are taking place in Armenia. The Armenian people are tired of the delay in the resolution of the conflict,” said Ms Muradova.


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