Newly built military unit opens on frontline

A newly built military unit for a battalion deployed on the frontline has opened. The Defense Ministry's top management attended the opening of the unit, which was built under the instructions of President of Azerbaijan, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev.

The Defense Ministry`s senior officials viewed the newly built headquarters, dining room, laundry, bathroom complex, checkpoint, soldiers` dormitory, as well as administrative, service, ideological and recreation rooms, arms depot, goods and food warehouses.

A permanent automated generator was installed in the area of the military unit, water, gas, electricity and other communication lines were built.

Defense Minister Zakir Hasanov met with civilians living and working close to the military unit and enquired about their conditions.

Zakir Hasanov then briefed the military personnel on the work being done to strengthen the army`s combat, moral and psychological preparedness, improve social conditions of servicemen, and improve their financial and technical supply.


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