Ali Hasanov: Israel must comment on Nagorno-Karabakh

Israel wants to remain completely out of the Azerbaijan- Armenia dispute over the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh territory that flared anew over the weekend, even though, the Azerbaijani President`s Assistant for Public and Political Affairs Ali Hasanov told The Jerusalem Post. He said Azerbaijan wants Israel to raise its voice on the matter.

“What we expect from Israel, which we respect a great deal, is to relate to what is happening here because Israel can request Armenia to stop the fire and enter negotiations.”

“We view Israel as a strategic partner, and expect it to comment,” he said. “Azerbaijan asks its strategic partner – the State of Israel – to express its attitude toward the latest developments related to the military provocation committed by Armenia in the border of the occupied territories of Azerbaijan.”

“We respect Israel as a strategic partner, and as an important country that needs to relate to this issue and pressure the international community regarding ending the conflict,” he said.


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