Yevgeny Sloboda: CIS observers detected no violations

“The CIS observation mission monitoring the parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan did not register today any violations of electoral law,” head of staff of the CIS observation mission Yevgeny Sloboda told

According to him, excellent conditions have been created for the observers. "We are provided with premises, and our headquarters is located in the Atropat hotel. We have our own office machines. We have access to all documents of the Central Election Commission – they provide us with them upon request. During our visits to the district and precinct commissions, we faced no obstacles."

The CIS observation mission visited district election commissions in more than 10 regions, as well as in Sumgayit, Ganja and Baku. "According to results of the visits, we can say that commissions in terms of technical equipment are ready for the elections. The work on updating the lists on the final stage, voters are notified of the date and time of voting, and voting procedures for voters are shown on the reverse side the notices. On the other hand, we would like to point out that the work of commissions is open and transparent enough. We had access to the documents governing the electoral process, and we believe that the commission members are also professionally-trained well enough,” said Sloboda.

The mission members also attended the meetings of the CEC of Azerbaijan and noted "transparency and openness, collegiality in decision-making." Sloboda said that the CIS observers held meetings at the Foreign Ministry, the Executive Office of the President, the government and the Central Executive Committee, having scheduled to have meeting in the General Prosecutor's Office.

Currently, the mission is analyzing the election legislation of Azerbaijan, and monitoring the pre-election campaign. Letters are sent to the state authorities, which are dealing, within their competence, with complaints and applications related to the violation of the electoral process. Mission will analyze complaints and appeals after 31 October, when competent authorities would have informed the staff on the issue, added Sloboda.


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