Gintaras Visotskas: Nagorno-Karabakh was occupied as a result of military operations

An article by famous journalist Gintaras Visotskas titled “When will we stop fawning over Armenia” has been recently published on Lithuanian portal

In the article the journalist argues that Lithuania, which is not afraid of criticizing the greatest states, avoids direct criticism of Armenia. Visotskas, who has been closely following the complex Armenian-Azerbaijani relations for several years, compares the attitudes of Europeans towards Armenia, which occupied Azerbaijani lands, and towards Azerbaijan, which is sincerely committed to the friendship with Europe, conducts international humanitarian forums, "Eurovision" song contest, first European Games and other events involving the European nations.

“Armenian militants expelled about a million Azerbaijanis from their homes. However, Azerbaijan managed on its own, never complaining and never asking for help. Azerbaijanis coped with all difficulties on their own. They took care not only about themselves, but received tens of thousands of refugees from Chechnya and Uzbekistan,” the article says.

The author notes that Europe ignores the issue of Azerbaijani refugees. “I have to acknowledge that Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan and its seven adjusting districts, a total of 20 percent of territory of the country, were occupied by Armenia as a result of military operations, massacre and war crimes,” Visotskas says.

Nigar Jafarli
AZERTAG’s Special

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