The national interests of Azerbaijan are more important than the biased resolution of the structure where Azerbaijan is not represented, Deputy PM

The resolution adopted by the European Parliament is biased, unfair and unnecessary.

It looks like this influential European organization is afflicted with some anti-Azerbaijan disease. The MPs that voted for the resolution of the foregoing resolution know very well that Azerbaijan is one of the most successful states in the post-Soviet area as well as Europe itself. Many of them have been to Baku at different times and expressed their amazement at Azerbaijan’s rapid development and renovation as well as its economic growth in a short period of time.

Deputy Prime Minister, deputy chairman and executive secretary of the New Azerbaijan Party (YAP), Ali Ahmadov made the remarks in his comments on the resolution recently adopted by the European Parliament.

Azerbaijani citizens are deeply saddened by the anti-Azerbaijani stance of the European Parliament, Ahmadov said, adding it can harm people’s faith in European values.

“European values are already going through difficult times. Attitude toward refugees, women and children who are victims of the Middle East policy pursued with the participation of European is a clear example of this. Europe has quite serious problems that should be taken up for discussion in the European Parliament,” Ahmadov noted.

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