Azerbaijani Presidential Aide: The European Parliament has already lost the sense of reality and became a puppet in the hands of various Western circles

“The European Parliament has already lost the sense of reality and became a toy in the hands of various circles of the West,” said the Azerbaijani President`s Aide for Public and Political Affairs Ali Hasanov as he commented on a recent resolution of the European Parliament on Azerbaijan.

“Azerbaijan is a democratic, dynamically developed country with growing international influence, which is pursuing an independent policy. Civil society is developing in Azerbaijan. Everyone enjoys the freedom of thought, speech and information, all necessary conditions have been created for political parties, non-governmental organizations and the media to operate. Dozens of political parties, hundreds of NGOs, media outlets operate freely without any obstacles in the country. The freedom of the Internet is fully ensured,” he noted.

“Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev's firm position is that the independent political course, liberal economic system and a strong civil society are the key means that ensure dynamic development of each country. Therefore, the Azerbaijani government pursues a consistent policy towards strengthening democratic principles, developing civil society institutions and stimulating their activity.”

The Presidential Aide noted that Azerbaijan's independent policy and its significant accomplishments irritate some Islamophobic and pro-Armenian circles in the West.

“We can confidently say that the European Parliament's consistent attacks against Azerbaijan, its biased resolutions are the result of continuous instigation and pressure exerted on the organization by those circles. Activation of puppet factions of the European Parliament and its adopting absurd Azerbaijan-related resolutions with active participation of the organization`s Islamophobic leadership on the eve of the important events in Azerbaijan has become common,” Ali Hasanov said. “The latest resolution adopted on the eve of the parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan is nothing but an attempt to undermine the country's international reputation by the leadership of the organization and the known group there.”

“I would like to remind them that Azerbaijan is not a member of the European Union and does not bear any responsibility before this organization and the resolution that the European Parliament adopted is nothing but a piece of paper like previous biased documents.”

Ali Hasanov noted that the policy that West pursues has had serious consequences for the entire world. “It would be better for the European Parliament, which claims that human rights are violated in Azerbaijan, to think of the fate of millions of citizens of the countries which have become an arena of civil confrontation as a result of direct intervention and military aggression,” he added.

'It would be more logical and fair to impose sanctions against some Western leaders who participate in the collapse of the dozens of countries' economy and plunder national wealth, who are instigators of hundreds of thousands of people`s being forced to leave their countries.'

Commenting on the European Parliament's call on international organizations to refrain from sending election observation missions to Azerbaijan, Ali Hasanov noted that this clearly proves that the organization has lost the sense of reality and become a puppet in the hands of various circles.

As for the prospects for relations between Azerbaijan and the European Union, Ali Hasanov said that Azerbaijan “has repeatedly expressed its readiness to continue partnership, equal cooperation with EU and still remains committed to this position”. “However, Azerbaijan will never accept anyone`s claim of domination of anyone, and will never tolerate “superior-inferior” relations. Now it is time to understand this reality and give up attempts to undermine relations,” said Ali Hasanov.

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