Almaty hosts Second Trans-Asian Parliamentary Forum

The Second Trans-Asian Parliamentary Forum has today started in Almaty in light of Kazakhstan`s 2010 Chairmanship.
The event was co-organized by the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and Kazakhstan Parliament.
The theme of the forum is "The OSCE Eurasian Dimension" and includes parliamentarians from OSCE participating States, Mediterranean and Asian partner countries, as well as parliamentarians from China and Pakistan, who are participating as guests.
The agenda of the forum includes pressing issues on regional security (including Afghanistan, terrorism and disarmament), economic concerns (trade, resource management, environmental issues), and the human dimension (religious tolerance, political development, freedom of the media, drug trafficking, trafficking in human beings and gender equality). There will also be a discussion of the crisis in Kyrgyzstan and its implications for parliamentary democracy.
Attending the event, Azerbaijani parliamentarians led by head of the delegation to OSCE PA Bahar Muradova spoke of their country`s participation in the Alliance of Fight Against Terrorism established after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, relations with Afghanistan and military and other assistance within international mission.
They also draw the participants` attention to the fact that Azerbaijan was subjected to occupation and terrorism by Armenia.





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