
Vagif Sadigov appointed Azerbaijan`s ambassador to Italy

30.10.2010 | Readed: 1671

Vagif Ismayil Sadigov has been appointed Azerbaijan`s ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to Italy.
President Ilham Aliyev has today signed a relevant order.{nl}






Wages of several public bodies increase in Azerbaijan

21.09.2010 | Readed: 1612

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has signed Executive Orders raising monthly wages of employees of several public bodies. Under the presidential order, military servicemen, employees holding special ranks and civil servants at budget-financed agencies of the ministries of Defense,......

President grants personal money allowances to persons who distinguished themselves in oil industry

19.09.2010 | Readed: 1652

 President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has issued an Executive Order granting personal money allowances to six persons who distinguished themselves in oil industry. In another Executive Order, the President conferred the title of the "Honorary Engineer" to four people for their......

Azerbaijan President awards persons who distinguished themselves in oil industry

19.09.2010 | Readed: 1606

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has signed an Executive Order awarding persons who distinguished themselves in developing the country\'s oil industry.
Under the presidential order, 3 people were awarded the Shohret order and 44 people with Taraggi medal.


Executive Order of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic on increase of the salary of employees of National Academy's scientific and research institutions financed from state budget

18.09.2010 | Readed: 1607

With a view of the further strengthening of social protection of the employees of the of National Academy's scientific and research institutions financed from state budget and increase of the state care for them, I hereby, resolve: 1.Since September 1, 2010 to raise......

Executive Order of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic on increase of the salary of employees of cultural, youth and sports institutions

18.09.2010 | Readed: 1586

With a view of the further strengthening of social protection of the employees of the cultural, youth and sports institutions and increase of the state care for them, I hereby, resolve: 1. Since September 1, 2010 to raise the monthly official (tariff) salaries of the......

Executive Order of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic on increase of the salary of workers of public health institutions

14.09.2010 | Readed: 1595

With a view of the further strengthening of social protection of workers of the public health institutions and increase of the state care for them, I hereby, decide: 1. Since September 1, 2010 to raise the monthly official (tariff) salaries of the workers of the public......

Azerbaijan President orders creation of culture centers at embassies in France and Uzbekistan

03.09.2010 | Readed: 1728

President Ilham Aliyev signed an Executive Order to create culture centers at Azerbaijan's embassies in France and Uzbekistan. The centers will be aimed at promoting Azerbaijan's political, economic, tourism, scientific and technological potential. The President......

President Ilham Aliyev orders increase in minimum monthly wages

01.09.2010 | Readed: 1576

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev signed an executive order increasing the minimum monthly wage to AZN85 from September 1, 2010.
The President instructed the Cabinet of Ministers to deal with the tasks arising from the order.


Azerbaijan President signs order to increase basic part of pensions

01.09.2010 | Readed: 1610

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev signed an executive order to increase basic part of pensions. Under the presidential order, the basic part of pensions will make AZN85 from September 1, 2010. The President instructed the State Social Protection Fund and the Cabinet of Ministers......

President Ilham Aliyev signs Order on establishment of Baku Health Center

07.08.2010 | Readed: 1564

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev signed an executive order on establishment of modern multi-field clinic - the Health Ministry's Baku Health Center. Under the presidential order, AZN 5 million will be allocated from the President's reserve fund to the Health Ministry for......

Azerbaijan President allocates AZN10 M for completion of construction work at National Flag Square

04.08.2010 | Readed: 1586

Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev signed an Executive Order allocating AZN10 million ($12.5m) for completion of the construction work at the National Flag Square in Baku. In accordance with the Presidential Order, the funds will be allocated from the President's Reserve Fund......

Praporshchik Mubariz Ibrahimov awarded the name of National Hero of Azerbaijan

23.07.2010 | Readed: 1704

On the 22nd of July President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev issued an Executive Order on awarding the name of National Hero of Azerbaijan upon Mubariz Ibrahimov, praporshchik (warrant officer) of the National Army of Azerbaijan (posthumously), for exclusive service and courage displayed to protect......

Azerbaijan President confers honorary titles upon press workers

23.07.2010 | Readed: 1593

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev signed an Executive Order to confer honorary titles upon several press workers on the occasion of the 135th anniversary of the national press. In accordance with the Presidential Order, 38 people were named honorary journalists, while 15 people......

Jahangir Asgarov awarded Shohrat order

11.07.2010 | Readed: 1630

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev signed an Executive Order conferring Shohrat order upon Jahangir Asgarov.
Asgarov was honored for his contribution to developing civil aviation in the country.


Azerbaijan President appoints Consul General in Tabriz

07.07.2010 | Readed: 1575

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev signed an Executive Order appointing Ali Alizadeh as the country\'s Consul General in the Iranian city of Tabriz.
On another Presidential Decree, Alizadeh was conferred the rank of an extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador.


President Ilham Aliyev awards workers of Azerbaijan State Caspian Sea Shipping Company

03.07.2010 | Readed: 1649

President Ilham Aliyev signed an executive order to award a group of employees of the Azerbaijan State Caspian Sea Shipping Company for their fruitful activity. The President conferred "Taraggi" (Progress) medals upon company's six employees on the occasion of their professional......

Azerbaijan President awards some employees of Internal Affairs Ministry

02.07.2010 | Readed: 1549

On the occasion of the Police Day, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev issued an order to award a group of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for distinguishing themselves in preserving law and order, ensuring peaceful and safe living of population, the rule of law and in fulfilling......

Azerbaijan President confers high special ranks on Internal Ministry officers

02.07.2010 | Readed: 1610

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev signed an Executive Order conferring high special ranks on officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In accordance with the presidential order, Chief of the Central Passport, Registration and Migration Department Arziman Aliyev, chief of Central......

Presidential Executive Order made public

23.06.2010 | Readed: 1600

President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan issued an Executive Order on conferment of a group of persons for long term contribution in the civil service bodies. On the Executive Order, three persons were conferred the order "For Service to Motherland", while 85 persons conferred "For Merits......

President Ilham Aliyev signs Order to rebuild Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction

17.06.2010 | Readed: 1631

President Ilham Aliyev signed an order on upgrading facilities of the Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction. Under the presidential order, the Ministry of Education will receive AZN 3 million from the President's Reserve Fund for the reconstruction of the......

Azerbaijan President orders celebration of Mirza Alakbar Sabir`s 150th jubilee

02.06.2010 | Readed: 1628

President Ilham Aliyev signed an Executive Order to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Mirza Alakbar Sabir, outstanding poet-innovator of Azerbaijan, in 2012. Under the presidential order, the Ministries of Culture and Tourism, Foreign Affairs, Education and Azerbaijan National Academy of......

Azerbaijan sets up government taskforce to eliminate consequences of Kur and Araz rivers overflow

20.05.2010 | Readed: 1713

Azerbaijan`s President Ilham Aliyev signed an Executive Order setting up a Government taskforce to eliminate consequences of a flood as a result of the rise of water level in the Kur and Araz rivers. The taskforce will be chaired by Prime Minister Artur......

Famous Azeri singer`s 150th anniversary to be marked in 2011

15.05.2010 | Readed: 1681

President Ilham Aliyev signed an Executive Order to mark the 150th jubilee of the famous Azeri mugham singer Jabbar Garyagdi oglu. Jabbar Garyagdi oglu, as a virtuous migham singer has played significant role in development of national musical culture of......

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