Azerbaijan President orders celebration of Mirza Alakbar Sabir`s 150th jubilee

President Ilham Aliyev signed an Executive Order to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Mirza Alakbar Sabir, outstanding poet-innovator of Azerbaijan, in 2012.
Under the presidential order, the Ministries of Culture and Tourism, Foreign Affairs, Education and Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences are instructed to prepare a plan of action in collaboration with the Writers` Union.
Sabir was a public figure, philosopher, teacher and a poet-innovator, he set up inspiring attitude to classical traditions, rejecting well-trodden ways in poetry. Never before did the people`s attitude to the world, the voice of Azeri people find so splendid and complete embodiment, devoid of stylization, as in Sabir`s writings. The most prominent of satirical publications was the Molla Nasraddin magazine.



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