President Ilham Aliyev viewed construction of “Majestic Palace” hotel in Ganja

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has viewed the construction of “Majestic Palace” hotel as part of his visit to Ganja.

The head of state was informed of the construction work.

The construction of the hotel started in April 2015, and has now entered its final stage. The seven-storey hotel will feature a total of 52 rooms, including one king`s suit, eight suites, 10 deluxe and 33 standard rooms. The hotel will also house a 120-seat restaurant and a 20-seat conference hall. The hotel has a 50-car parking lot.

Once put into service, the hotel will create 50 jobs.

President Ilham Aliyev was also informed of landscaping and construction work in the city.



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