
Armenia breaks ceasefire with Azerbaijan 85 times

08.06.2018 | Readed: 381

Over the past 24 hours, Armenia’s armed forces have 85 times violated the ceasefire along the line of contact between Azerbaijani and Armenian troops, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry said June......

Pashinyan disappoints Armenians by new government program

08.06.2018 | Readed: 384

Since Nikol Pashinyan came to power, many Armenian analysts were assuming that the new government program would not be appropriate for the country’s development. Today, when the program is ready, it becomes clear that the experts were......

Concert truck transports classical music to New Audiences

08.06.2018 | Readed: 412

Classical music is sometimes thought of as high art, performed in beautiful music centers to serious and wealthy crowds, wearing fine clothes. But two young musicians are working hard to make this kind of music more available to new audiences. Nick......

İmmigration issue at center of Republican Campaigns

08.06.2018 | Readed: 422

Eight American states held primary elections on Tuesday. Voters chose candidates who will represent political parties in the general elections. In November, voters will fill all 435 seats in the United States House of Representatives, and one third of......

Berlin Museum returns native American Artifacts to Tribe in Alaska

08.06.2018 | Readed: 438

For years, European and American researchers dug up land where Native Americans buried their dead. They recovered countless bones and cultural artifacts as part of their studies. Now, museum officials have begun returning some of these artifacts to......

Britain faces difficult choices on move to цithdraw from EU

08.06.2018 | Readed: 432

Lawmakers in Britain continue to argue over terms of its planned withdrawal from the European Union (EU). The main issue is how Britain will deal with the rest of Europe after the move, known as......

Experts consider cost of ending North Korea’s nuclear activities

08.06.2018 | Readed: 381

The world will be watching when the leaders of the United States and North Korea meet in Singapore on June 12. People are wondering whether U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un can reach a nuclear......

Azerbaijan Naval Forces conduct practical training

08.06.2018 | Readed: 410

The Azerbaijan Naval Forces have conducted practical training, according to Azerbaijan`s Defense......

From Haider al-Abadi, Prime Minister of the Republic of Iraq

08.06.2018 | Readed: 621

His Excellency Mr llham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan As-salamu aleykum wa......

From Gjorge Ivanov, President of the Republic of Macedonia

08.06.2018 | Readed: 641

His Excellency Mr Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Distinguished Mr......

From Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, President of the Portuguese Republic

08.06.2018 | Readed: 627

His Excellency Mr Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan On the occasion of the......

President Ilham Aliyev received delegation led by Gambian foreign minister

08.06.2018 | Readed: 465

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has received a delegation led by Foreign Minister of the Republic of Gambia Ousainou Darboe and including Minister of Works, Transport......

President Ilham Aliyev attended inauguration of Sahil metro station after major overhaul

08.06.2018 | Readed: 500

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has attended the inauguration of Sahil metro station after major......

OSCE to monitor contact line of Azerbaijani, Armenian troops

07.06.2018 | Readed: 407

The OSCE is expected to monitor the contact line between Azerbaijani and Armenian troops on June 8, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry told APA on June 7. The monitoring will be held under the mandate of the Personal Representative of the OSCE......

At least 18 killed in Baghdad explosion

07.06.2018 | Readed: 419

At least 18 people were killed and over 90 wounded in an explosion in Baghdad’s Sadr City district on Wednesday, an Iraqi police source said, APA reports quoting Reuters. An interior ministry spokesman said in a brief statement the blast was the......

Pompeo says U.S. won't allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons

07.06.2018 | Readed: 428

The United States is aware of reports that Iran plans to increase its uranium enrichment capacity and Washington will not allow Iran to develop a nuclear weapon, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Wednesday, APA reports quoting......

Santa Monica proclaims May 28 as ‘Azerbaijan National Day’

07.06.2018 | Readed: 378

The City of Santa Monica in the U.S. State of California has proclaimed May 28, 2018 as “Azerbaijan National Day” in the city. The relevant proclamation was signed by the City Mayor Ted Winterer. İn the proclamation, which was sent to the......

Armenia continues violating ceasefire with Azerbaijan

07.06.2018 | Readed: 404

Over the past 24 hours, Armenia’s armed forces have 87 times violated the ceasefire along the line of contact between Azerbaijani and Armenian troops, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry told APA on June 7.The Azerbaijani army’s positions in Ferehli,......

İsrael angry over Argentina’s Cancellation of football match

07.06.2018 | Readed: 414

Many Israelis were angry Wednesday after Argentina suddenly cancelled plans to send players to a sporting event. The Israeli national football team and Argentina’s team were to have played Saturday night in Jerusalem. The football match was to take......

Westminster Abbey to open more space to visitors

07.06.2018 | Readed: 390

Westminster Abbey is one of the most famous tourist sites in Britain’s capital, London. Now, officials have decided to open another area of the building to help teach its history. The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Galleries are about 16 meters above the......

More Than 60 dead in Guatemala following volcanic explosion

07.06.2018 | Readed: 409

Rescue workers pulled at least 10 people alive from ash and mud flows around Guatemala’s Volcan de Fuego on Monday. The country’s national disaster agency reported at least 62 people have died since the volcano exploded Sunday. Officials say the......

G7 Leaders to talk trade, tariffs and Trump

07.06.2018 | Readed: 429

Trade and security are likely to be the main issues this year in Canada. Last year's G7 meeting was held in Italy. From L-R, European Council President Donald Tusk, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, U.S. President Donald Trump, Italian Prime......

US to limit some Chinese visas

07.06.2018 | Readed: 394

The U.S. State Department has announced plans to shorten the length of stay for some visas given to Chinese citizens. The move is part of an effort by the administration of President Donald Trump to protect U.S. intellectual property.The changes are......

Baku hosts National Youth Forum “Agenda 2030: Focus on the Environment”

07.06.2018 | Readed: 725

The National Youth Forum “Agenda 2030: Focus on the Environment” has been held at Baku Convention......

Sarajevo officials welcome activities and contributions of Nizami Ganjavi International Center

07.06.2018 | Readed: 406

The successful activities and contributions of the Nizami Ganjavi International Center (NGIC) have been hailed as Secretary General of the Center Rovshan Muradov held a number of meetings......

President Ilham Aliyev attended iftar ceremony on the occasion of holy month of Ramadan

07.06.2018 | Readed: 495

Chairman of the Caucasus Muslims Office Sheikhulislam Allahshukur Pashazade has hosted an iftar ceremony on the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan at his......

President Ilham Aliyev received Union Cycliste Internationale president

06.06.2018 | Readed: 519

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has received President of the Union Cycliste Internationale David......

President, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev viewed Defense Ministry’s military campus

06.06.2018 | Readed: 454

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev has viewed conditions created at the military campus built for the Defense Ministry’s military......

President Ilham Aliyev inaugurated Naftalan City Central Hospital

06.06.2018 | Readed: 452

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has attended the opening of Naftalan City Central......

President Ilham Aliyev visited statue of national leader Heydar Aliyev in Naftalan

06.06.2018 | Readed: 480

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has arrived in Naftalan district for a......

President Ilham Aliyev attended opening of Flag Museum in Goranboy

06.06.2018 | Readed: 1080

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has attended the opening of the Flag Museum in Goranboy......

President Ilham Aliyev attended opening of Shamkir-Samukh-Goranboy main irrigation canal`s crossing installation with Silk Road and its 4.95km section

06.06.2018 | Readed: 596

Shamkir-Samukh-Goranboy main irrigation canal`s crossing installation with the Silk Road and its 4.95km section have been......

President Ilham Aliyev inaugurated Dalimammadli substation in Goranboy

06.06.2018 | Readed: 476

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has attended the opening of 110/35/10 kV Dalimammadli substation in Goranboy......

President Ilham Aliyev visited statue of national leader Heydar Aliyev in Goranboy

06.06.2018 | Readed: 461

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has visited the statue of national leader Heydar Aliyev in the city of......

President Ilham Aliyev opened Dalimammadli-Muzdurlar-Girigli highway in Goranboy

06.06.2018 | Readed: 468

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has inaugurated the Dalimammadli-Muzdurlar-Girigli highway after reconstruction and repair in Goranboy......

President Ilham Aliyev inaugurated Region Agro LLC in Goranboy

06.06.2018 | Readed: 471

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has attended the opening of Region Agro LLC in Goranboy......

President Ilham Aliyev inaugurated newly built Dalimammadli-Gushchular-Fakhrali-Gurbanzade-Alpout highway

06.06.2018 | Readed: 479

As part of his visit to Goranboy district, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has attended the inauguration of the newly built Dalimammadli-Gushchular-Fakhrali-Gurbanzade-Alpout......

CSCA representative became world champion

05.06.2018 | Readed: 472

The CISM (International Council of Military Sports) 50th World Military Shooting Championship is held in the City of Thun, Switzerland from May 30 to June 6, Azerbaijan Defence Ministry noted. At......

Azerbaijani peacekeeper in Afghanistan : Azerbaijan is committed to the future in Afghanistan

05.06.2018 | Readed: 478

NATO spread video about activities of Azerbaijani peacekeepers in Afghanistan  A special video about the participation of Azerbaijani peacekeepers in NATO-led Resolute Support mission in Afghanistan has been spread in NATO's Resolute Support......

Azerbaijani jiu-jitsu fighter wins European Championship

05.06.2018 | Readed: 697

Azerbaijani fighter Vugar Jafarov has become the champion of the Ju – Jitsu European Championship for Seniors and Masters in Gliwice,......

GIZ to implement new project on Azerbaijani refugees and IDPs

05.06.2018 | Readed: 702

Rovshan Rzayev, Chairman of the State Committee for Refugee and IDP Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, has met with Mrs. Sonia Fontaine, country director of the German Agency for......

Mahmoud Vaezi: Iran and Azerbaijan want peace and stability to reign in the region

05.06.2018 | Readed: 709

Iran and Azerbaijan want peace and stability to reign in the region and therefore pursue a policy in this way,” Head of the Presidential Office of the Islamic Republic of Iran Mahmoud Vaezi has......

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