Group providing clothing, books to migrant children

A committee of the United States Senate is studying the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” policy for migrant families. The policy is directed at individuals who crossed the U.S. border with Mexico. Those who entered the U.S. illegally were detained. The children were held separately from their parents.

On June 20, President Donald Trump signed an order cancelling the family separations after a series of protests across the country.

Last week, a federal judge credited the government with reuniting more than 1,800 children with their parents or guardians. But the judge also said the government is responsible for expelling the parents of more than 400 children without reuniting those families.

The boys and girls have been living in shelters in Texas and three other states. They are receiving backpacks filled with clothing, books and other supplies from Comfort Cases, a non-profit group in Maryland.

Aliqismet BADALOV,

“Khalq qazeti


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