Azerbaijani defense minister attends several events in Moscow

Azerbaijan`s Defense Minister Zakir Hasanov, as part of his Moscow trip, has visited "Friendship House" at the Alabino range to familize himself with the cultural exhibitions of the countries participating in the "International Army Games-2018".

Minister Hasanov viewed the exhibits of the Azerbaijani section reflecting the history, culture, customs and traditions of the country.

He also met with the Azerbaijani servicemen who were participating in the "Field Kitchen" competition held within the International Army Games-2018.

The military chefs of different countries, including the Azerbaijani team, presented over 150 national dishes showcasing their culinary skills. The participants of the event familiarized themselves with Azerbaijan`s cuisine and tasted national dishes prepared by the country’s military cookes.

Azerbaijan’s Ambassador to Russia Polad Bulbuloglu and other officials also attended the event.

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