Another big year for largest comic bookeEvent of its kind

Comic book and movie heroes are coming to life this week at Comic-Con International. The four-day long event is held once every year in San Diego, California.

Comic-Con celebrates popular culture and the world of show business. Guinness World Records, the record-keeping business, recognizes it as the largest convention of its kind in the world.

Before leaving for Comic-Con, many people change out of their normal clothes. They come looking like a superhero, such as Superman or Ant Man. Santiago Gonzales went to the convention with a friend earlier this week. Gonzales explained why comic book lovers like Comic-Con so much.

“If you don’t feel like you belong, like, in your hometown, or you like this nerdy stuff and no one really gets you, here is where everyone understands you and everyone has the same passion. And we’re all united together with the same love of pop culture.”

Aliqismet BADALOV,
“Khalq qazeti”


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