TRT World TV channel highlights liberation of Nakhchivan`s territories from Armenian occupation

Turkey's first English-language international broadcaster "TRT World" has aired a program highlighting the liberation of the village of Gunnut in Azerbaijan`s Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic from the Armenian occupation.

The program featured President Ilham Aliyev’s remarks made during a solemn military parade held in Baku on June 26 this year to mark the centenary of the establishment of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan: “The April victories, the Nakhchivan victories have further enhanced the patriotic spirit of our army and people, and convinced the Azerbaijani people that they can rest assured that the Azerbaijani army is capable and ready to fulfill any task.”

The program also included several interviews with Azerbaijani military officials who spoke about the liberation of Gunnut village of Sharur region and several strategic heights of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic occupied by the Armenian armed forces in 1992.

“Azerbaijani military officials said they have long been preparing a special operation to retake lands held by Armenian forces and they have launched the operation in Nakhchivan when they saw an opportunity. As a result of successful operation of Azerbaijani military forces 11,000 hectares of lands that were once occupied by Armenians have been liberated and are currently under Azerbaijan’s control,” the TV channel said.

The broadcaster also mentioned that the recaptured village had long been abandoned with only handful of graves left which remain as a testimony to Azerbaijan’s claims over these territories.

The program also highlighted an interview with the Nakhchivan secondary school teacher Vusala Aliyeva who spoke about the Armenian atrocities during those attacks: “In the 1990s, Sadarak, Gunnut, Havush and Shahbulag villages of Sharur region at the border with Armenia were subjected to continuous attacks by the enemy. In the occupied village of Gunnut, houses, as well as many social facilities, schools, the medical centers, the library, the cemetery and the mosque were destroyed. Local residents had to settle in other settlements of the region. Most of them were forced to move to Mahmudkand in the Sharur region.”

The Turkish broadcaster said that Nakhchivan Military Command strives to maintain high level of readiness with their state-of-the-art facilities and young soldiers keep a close watch on their adversaries.

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