Merkel: Trump's rejection of G7 communique 'sobering' and 'depressing'

Germany's Angela Merkel sharply criticized Donald Trump's decision to retract his endorsement of the G7 communique. The German Chancellor said the EU would continue preparing counter-measures to US metal tariffs.Germany's Angela Merkel on Sunday chided US President Donald Trump's decision to retract his endorsement of the G7 communique via Twitter.

In her first interview since the contentious two-day G7 summit in Canada, Merkel told German broadcaster ARD that Trump's "withdrawal via Twitter is of course sobering and a little depressing." The chancellor also announced that the European Union would forge ahead with counter-measures to Trump's steel and aluminum tariffs.

"We won't let ourselves be ripped off again and again," Merkel said, taking on an unusually combative tone. "Instead, we act then too."

The bloc is expected to announce its counter-measures to US tariffs on July 1.

Read more: G7 summit fails to calm trade tensions as Trump refuses to endorse joint statement

Aliqismet BADALOV,
“Khalq qazeti”


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