Florida students announce voting campaign to change gun laws

A group of students who survived the deadly shooting in Parkland, Florida, announced a bus tour to support new gun laws. About 24 of the students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School made the announcement on Monday. The event came one day after several in the group graduated from high school. The tour is to begin June 15 in the Midwestern city of Chicago. The students say their goal is to register more young people to vote so they will support reforms to U.S. gun laws.

Cameron Kasky is one of the high school students involved. He noted that four million young Americans will turn 18 years old in 2018. “If every single one of those people votes, encourages their friends to vote, makes sure their family is getting to the polls, we can make real change in this country,” he said. Eighteen is the minimum age for voting in the United States.

The student organizers wore a message on T-shirts made for the event. The words “Road to Change” were printed on them. Parkland students and activists Emma Gonzalez and David Hogg also attended the event.

The students said the tour will target districts where elected officials have received a lot of money from the National Rifle Association. The group, based in northern Virginia, represents gun owners and candidates who oppose restrictions on gun ownership.

Aliqismet BADALOV,

“Khalq qazeti”


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