Muslim Americans mark start of Ramadan

Ramadan is beginning for the world’s Muslims. The month-long observance is a time to fast, to think and to spend time with friends and family. In the United States, people of different national origins gather at Islamic centers for religious services and to celebrate their beliefs. Muslim Americans observe Ramadan in much the same way as Muslims in other countries do.

There are traditions to be followed. Families buy meat prepared according to Muslim law. The meat is served after sunset, when the daily fast ends. Fasting requires Muslims to avoid eating, drinking and sexual activity during daylight hours. Families also pray together and help the poor.

Shaker Elsayed is the religious leader of the Dar al-Hijra Islamic Center in Falls Church, Virginia. The center serves Muslims of 42 different nationalities/ He said, “Ramadan becomes a very helpful opportunity to bring people together, those who come from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds and linguistic backgrounds.”

He added, “We all speak English so we use English as a unifying language, and at the same time, we do all the activities to accommodate everybody, especially in Ramadan.”

Aliqismet BADALOV,

“Khalq qazeti”



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