US Promises N. Korea economic investment after nuclear deal

The United States has said it may let American businesses invest in North Korea if the two sides reach a nuclear agreement. But even if U.S. economic restrictions against the North are lifted, the country would likely still present a difficult environment for foreign investment.

The U.S. government wants North Korea to end its nuclear activities. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo noted on Sunday that President Donald Trump has called for the complete, verifiable, and irreversible denuclearization of the North. Pompeo added that, if North Korean leader Kim Jong Un agrees to disarm, the U.S. could offer foreign investment “in spades.”

Pompeo told Fox News, "This will be Americans coming in…not the U.S. taxpayer…to help build out the energy grid.” He added that American businesses could help the North develop its infrastructure, (and) all the things that the North Korean people they can eat meat and live healthy lives.”

Aliqismet BADALOV,
“Khalq qazeti”


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