Caucasian Muslims Office issues fatwa on Ramadan

The Gazi Council of the Caucasian Muslims Office (CMO) has issued a fatwa on the holy month of Ramadan. According to the calculations conducted by the Shamakhi-based Tusi Astrophysical Observatory of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS), the 1st of Ramadan—that is, when the moon appears—will fall on May 17 this year. And May 16 is the night of intention for fasting.

The CMO, together with the ANAS Shamakhi Astrophysical Observatory, has compiled a special Ramadan booklet that includes the dates of the first day of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr, salah times, as well as daily prayers specific of this month.

“It’s inadmissible of clerics and believers to use provocative and divisive calendars that belong to other denominations and are likely to provoke denominational and time disputes. We’re confident that the State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations and local executive authorities will help us with this issue and control the promotion and spread of calendars compiled by the CMO that are essential in preventing denominational discrimination,” the fatwa reads. 

It is also noted that Eid al-Fitr will be will celebrated on June 15 – the 1st of Shawwal with the appearance of moonrise in our territory. Ramadan holiday is celebrated at the state level and as an informal working day.

The fatwa also says that the time of Zakat al-Fitr, which is the charity given to the poor at the end of the fasting in Ramadan, is the last day of Ramadan. According to the Gazi Council, it is recommended to pay AZN 5-10 per capita as Zakat al-Fitr.

Aliqismet BADALOV,
“Khalq qazeti”


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