US to deliver first batch of F-35 fighters to Turkey despite Congressional hindrance

The United States will deliver the first batch of F-35 joint strike fighters to Turkey in June, despite attempts by the US Congress to suspend the weaponry procurement, local media reported Wednesday, Xinhua reported.

The first batch of the 30 F-35 fighters will be delivered on June 21 in the US, where Turkish pilots will receive intense training, Hurriyet Daily News reported, citing Turkish defense industry authorities.

The Turkish military plans to upgrade the current F-16 fleets with 100 F-35 aircraft, in order to reinforce its air defense capabilities, the report said.

On May 4, the US House of Representatives released the details of a 717-billion-US-dollar annual defense bill, including the move to suspend weapons sales to Turkey.

Masaim Abdullayev,

“Khalq qazeti”



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