CEC chairman Mazahir Panahov gives press conference

Chairman of the Central Election Commission (CEC) Mazahir Panahov has given a press conference at Sechkiler Information Center as the presidential election started across Azerbaijan at 8 a.m.

Panahov said all conditions had been created in 125 constituencies to conduct the election in a normal manner.

The number of eligible voters in the country is 5,314,365, he said, adding that the voting is conducted in 5,641 polling stations.

According to the CEC chief, all conditions were ensured in polling stations for local and international observers to monitor the voting process.

“Web cameras were installed in 20 percent of the country's polling stations, that is 1,000 polling stations, in connection with the presidential election. Any internet user can watch the voting process live on the official website of the CEC on the election day," he said.

He said four organizations will conduct exit-polls during the presidential elections, among which are international electoral experts from the US and France.


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