TURKPA and Turkic Council observers will conduct coordinated observation of Presidential Elections in Azerbaijan

The TURKPA will monitor the  Presidential elections in Azerbaijan to be held on 11 April, 2018, TURKPA reported.  The TURKPA mission will consist of Mr. Berik Ospanov, member of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of Kazakhstan, Mr. Duishon Torokulov and Mr Salaidin Aydarov, members of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic, Mr. Haluk Ipek and Jeyhun Irgil, members of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey.

According to TURKPA, on election day, the  observers will visit polling stations in Baku, Sumgayit and Absheron district to monitor the voting process on the ground.

Moreover, TURKPA delegation will observe elections in collaboration with the Turkic Council Observation Mission led by Mr. Omer Kocaman, Deputy Secretary General of the Turkic Council and comprised of experts and staff of the Council’s Secretariat. The programme of the Turkic Council mission includes visit to Sheki and Guba and, in this framework, both teams will exchange information on the situation at polling stations. 

In the 11 April evening, TURKPA parliamentarians are expected to present preliminary outcomes of their observation work. On 12 April, both TURKPA and Turkic Council observation missions will make a joint statement on the results of the elections.


Efsane Elesgerli,
“Khalg qazeti”

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